High-speed grinding is descriptive of the higher and a truing medium that offers efficient wheel dressing. peripheral grinding speeds that are now being used with vitri- fied …
A pre-grinding operation before t he opening of a high-speed railway can eliminate the defects of t he Received date: Foundation item : Th e National Natural Science Foundation o f ...
In accordance with the classification of different grinding speeds, there are three categories used to depict the speed of nanoscale machining: a general grinding speed which is less than 45 m s −1, a high grinding speed of 45–150 m s −1, and an ultra-high grinding speed which is more than 150 m s −1.
Surface/subsurface crack during grinding limits the application of engineering ceramics. High-speed grinding is proposed in ceramics grinding for high material removal rate and surface quality.
The rail high-speed grinding technique, involving "non-driven" grinding wheels that remove a very shallow depth of cut, has been introduced in the preventative operation for High-Speed Railway by ...
Turnouts are the weak spot in high-speed rail systems, and it is simple for the phenomenon of the wheel–rail force and the carbody lateral acceleration over-limit to arise when the train passes through, …
In high-speed grinding, the speed can exceed 100 m/s, such as 30–150 m/s and 40–200 m/s in Refs. ... Subsequently, the lateral crack and failed particles occur at 78 nm. While the lateral crack propagates and becomes large at 86 nm, the separate particles at the bottom of abrasive occur simultaneously. Thus, it can be concluded that …
A much higher sliding velocity can ensure an ideal material removal and reduce the depth of subsurface damage and surface roughness. These disciplines can …
The high speed grinding machine, BLOHM PROFIMAT MT-408 with water base grinding fluid was employed. The maximum rotational speed and output power were 8000 rpm and 45 kW respectively. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the single-grit grinding experimental set-up. The grit holder and the balancing weight were symmetrically …
A pre-grinding operation before the opening of a high-speed railway can eliminate the defects of the Received date: Foundation item : The National Natural Science Foundation of China ...
In order to meet the P2-grade bearing grinding requirements, we designed a high-speed internal grinding machine to be used for grinding bearing raceways and inner circles. The machine has …
The Dead Shaft High Speed Swing Frame Grinder is rugged, heavy-duty, high speed grinder with full lateral movement for use in foundries and steel mills. The Fox #4 is a high speed, dead shaft grinder with full lateral movement and is ideal for grinding castings, billets, ingots, and forgings.
The Dead Shaft High Speed Swing Frame Grinder is rugged, heavy-duty, high speed grinder with full lateral movement for use in foundries and steel mills. The Fox #4 is a high speed, dead shaft grinder with full lateral movement and is ideal for grinding castings, billets, ingots, and forgings.
To explore material removal mechanisms in high-speed grinding, this study carries out high-speed grinding (HSG) on an Al/SiCp MMC at a grinding speed from 30.4 m/s to 307.0 m/s, and assesses surface integrity including surface damage and subsurface damage (SSD) to explore how different grinding speeds take effect therein.
For China high-speed railways (CHSR), the wavelength of rail corrugation for high-speed running situation is usually between 120 mm and 150 mm. For low speed, it is normally from 60 mm to 80 mm. ... To investigate the performance of the fast rail-grinding car more truly, the lateral and vertical excitations from China Wuhan …
The Dead Shaft High Speed Swing Frame Grinder is rugged, heavy-duty, high speed grinder with full lateral movement for use in foundries and steel mills. The Fox #4 is a high speed, dead shaft grinder with full lateral movement and is ideal for grinding castings, billets, ingots, and forgings.
Ultra-high-speed grinding is a significant method for the advanced manufacturing of the difficult-to-machine material components, e.g., nickel-based superalloy. However, unclear mechanism of material removal behavior is still the main problem. The present work intends to establish the three-dimensional (3D) finite element …
Research on wear and grinding treatment of high-speed turnout rails. Jincheng Li, Yayun Qi, Pengpeng Wu, Junjun Ding, Haohao Ding. ... reducing the lateral vibration acceleration of vehicles passing through the turnout by 52.56% and the vertical vibration acceleration by 30.43%. The holistic grinding scheme can effectively improve …
1. Introduction. High-speed can often help improve ground surface quality and integrity in grinding of brittle materials like optical glass [1, 2] and ceramics [[3], [4], [5]].In recent years, the influence of wheel speed on the ductile-brittle transition and subsurface damage (SSD) has been investigated both analytically and experimentally.
This study carries out high-speed grinding on Al/SiCp MMCs at a grinding speed up to 307.0 m/s, and assesses surface integrity and material removal mechanisms, including surface and subsurface damage, as well as material ductile-to-brittle transition …
An effective finite element (FE) simulation model characterizing the material removal behavior of TiCp/Ti-6Al-4V titanium matrix composites in high-speed grinding process was developed when considering consecutive action of two abrasive grains. The resultant stress and grinding force have been analyzed to study the crack propagation …
Figures 4A and 4B illustrate such a curve which presents the effectiveness of high-speed grinding as performed by a new-generation 2880 HP high-productivity grinding train.4 Figure 4A shows maximum depth of metal removal versus speed in the range of eight to 14 mph for two different grinding patterns. Figure 4B shows total cross …
High quality and efficiency of grinding for SiC can been attained with high-speed grinding due to the understanding of the characteristics and mechanism for …
Literature indicated that at high grinding speed (160 m/s), brittle to ductile transition takes place for alumina; and alumina can be ground effectively with reduced amount of brittle fracture at high grinding speed [12], [13], [14].However, at moderately high grinding speed of 80 m/s, the brittle fracture has been widely observed and reported.
To reveal the links between brittle to ductile transition and subsurface damage mechanism when undergoing the high-speed grinding process, we built a contrast model of Al substrate and Si thin film with the same size. The grinding process is carried out on the (0 0 1) surface along the [0 1 0] direction. The workpiece can be …
As such, they are considered nodal projects in the construction and operation of high-speed railway networks. By the end of 2022, the mileage of China's high-speed railways reached 42,000 km, of which more than 10,000 sets of …
The grinding force and grinding temperature in the process of high-speed grinding will affect the patient's comfort and medical safety. Enamel surface quality and micro-damage after high-speed grinding will affect the subsequent repair effect and long-term service performance (Gonzaga et al., 2015). As per the literature, the knowledge of …
Grinding speed refers to the linear speed of the grinding wheel, which is generally 30~35m/s, and it is called high-speed grinding when it exceeds 45m/s. Grinding is usually used for semi-finishing and …
The study explores the impact of scratching speed and grinding temperature on damage and verifies the feasibility of high-speed grinding. The results suggest that the efficient reduction of damage in …
In order to meet the P2-grade bearing grinding requirements, we designed a high-speed internal grinding machine to be used for grinding bearing raceways and inner circles. The machine has a T-type layout and a four-axis numerical control linkage. It is supported by hydrostatic pressure and driven directly by a torque motor. In addition, it …