Increasing the content of basalt fibers to a certain extent can enhance the compressive strength of RAC, but it also significantly increases the variability of material performance. Additionally, the minimum compressive strengths of these three sets of specimens are 19.3, 19.7, and 21.0 MPa, respectively, indicating that the influence of …
if a rock mass is cut by directional joint sets, the rock mass strength is anisotropic. Rock mass strength is scale dependent and varies with the volume of rock under …
The influences of the steel fiber content, the recycled-aggregate replacement ratio, and the loading rate on the mechanical properties and dynamic damage of SFRAC …
The addition of basalt fibers (BF) and polypropylene fibers (PF) not only mitigates the failure extent of BPFRCAC but also enhances the strain rate's impact on its dynamic …
The dynamic compressive strength factor for the granite was less than 1; for the basalt, 1.35; for the limestone, 1.52; and for the tuff, 1.7^-« The compressional wave velocity of
The presence of vesicles within basalt has a direct impact on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock. Over 130 basalt samples from foundation projects for a large liquid natural gas (LNG) storage facility on north coast of Baja, Mexico, a high-rise building in Central, Oregon and a wind turbine project in Northeastern ...
The dynamic compressive strength of basalt fiber-reinforced concrete was bigger than that of ordinary concrete. ... L. Experimental Study of the Rock Mechanism under Coupled High …
TO TENSILE STRENGTH AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH David Candra Birawidha1,2, ... selling price of basalt rock is lower than other reinforcing fillers, requiring a long and
While the dynamic compressive strength of sandstone was reduced by 8% and 17% after being treated at 3 kW and 5 kW for 90 s, respectively [37]. Although a higher power level is used, the dynamic compressive strength of sandstone after microwave treatment is significantly lower than that of basalt.
The compressive and split-tensile strength test results showed that the mixture with a higher percentage of fly ash and a lower percentage of rice husk ash …
The rock hardness of basalt is 6 on the Mohs scale, and can be seen through a combination of its compressive strength: 100-300 Mpa (Megapascal), its tensile strength: 10-30 Mpa, and its shear strength: 20-60 Mpa, which denotes that depending on the mineral makeup, basalt rocks fall in the strong – very strong category.
Basalt fibre (BF) is an inorganic fibre obtained from basalt rocks . In addition, the basalt fibre has possessed high tensile strength, ... By an increment in the dosages of basalt fibre, the compressive strength of concrete boomed to 0.3%, beyond this, it was regularly reduced by 12.0% due to the cohesion between the aggregates and …
The results show that the rock strength decreases generally with increasing microwave power and treatment duration. The strength losses and the heating degrees are different for each tested rock type irradiated by microwave power due to the different the mineral content. ... They explained that the triaxial compressive strength of basalt ...
Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock is an essential parameter in geotechnical engineering. Point load strength (PLS), P-wave velocity, and Schmidt hammer rebound number (SH) are more easily obtained than UCS and are extensively applied for the indirect estimation of UCS. ... Andesite (1), Basalt (6), Deformed granite …
Compared with the compressive strength 250 MPa of basalt at 25℃, the compressive strength σ c after heat treatment at 200 ℃ and 400 ℃ increases by 10.50% and 15.85%, respectively. The main reason is that the expansion of mineral particles causes the gradual closure of primary fractures, which increases the compactness of …
In this study, the compressive strength of BFRC is predicted using four tuned machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine (SVR), Random Forest (RF), Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), and …
Overall, axial compressive strength for Pacaya basalt ranges widely from 12 to 174 MPa (Table 3), with the lower end falling into strength categories as low as chalk ... On average, strength at 935°C was 19 and 5% higher than the rock strength at room temperature for deformation at strain rates of 10 −1 and 10 −5 s −1, respectively.
Basalt fibers are considered one of the most sustainable reinforcing fibers because of the abundance of basalt/volcanic rocks on earth, covering around 70% of the earth's surface (Lopresto et al., 2011). Additionally, ... The compressive strength increased by about 10% at a fibers dose of 2% compared to the control mix. However, …
The rock specimens were tested at 0.001/s strain rate to determine the uniaxial compressive strength. The tests on each type of rock are repeated three times and the average strength values are presented in Table 1. The static uniaxial compressive strength of compact basalt is found to be 58.58 MPa.
In this study, the basalt rock extracted from the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia is intensively studied on its compressive properties under both static and dynamic loads covering strain ...
Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation modulus of rocks Average values from tests of intact rock samples ... Basalt 145 50 347 25 207 82 395 3 (17) Diabase, dolerite 229 88 384 13 152 81 537 5 15.2 Hyperite - - - - 245 108 441 2 ure Graywacke 81 25 310 12 - - - - ...
In this study, the basalt rock extracted from the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia is intensively studied on its compressive properties under both static and dynamic loads covering strain rate between 2.22 × 10-6 /s to 408/s. The ultimate compressive strength and corresponding failure strain are quantified. The test results show that …
Basalt rock is easily available due to its widespread on earth surface. ... When temperatures are higher than 200 °C, compressive strength of basalt/PVA HF-ECC exhibits remarkable improvement as superimposed basalt fiber content increases to 0.8% and 1.2%. The optimal basalt fiber content is 0.8%, whereby over-all higher …
Basalt was used as an ornamental stone in any historic and ancient cities in Jordan. Measuring the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the tangent Young's modulus (Et) in the laboratory requires premium quality specimens with special core dimensions. This research focuses on correlations both UCS and Et with Leeb Rebound …
The aim of this study is to understand the strength behaviour and fragment size of rocks during indirect, quasi-static and dynamic tensile tests. Four rocks with different lithological characteristics, namely: basalt, granite, sandstone, and marble were selected for this study. Brazilian disc experiments were performed over a range of strain …
The compressive strength increases with basalt fiber content and curing time, and reaches the peak at the fiber content of 0.2%, followed by a reduction due to the formation of weak zone at higher ...
ABSTRACT:. The presence of vesicles within basalt has a negative impact on both the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and deformation modulus (axial stiffness) of basalt specimens. Vesicular basalt specimens (diameters of 44.45 mm) were cored from surface boulders obtained from southern Nevada. Each basalt boulder has …
Rock uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is recognized as one of the influencing factors and is required in all the empirical relations, whereas pillar inclination is rarely considered. ... Different from that under uniaxial compression, the basalt specimens in these test scenarios maintain relatively small residual strength (about 20 MPa) in ...
This study''s target is evaluating the performance of developed African vulture optimization algorithm (DAVOA)-Elman neural networks (ENNs) by considering different …
In addition, the effect of volume content on compressive strength was less than that of volume content flexural strength. In general, when the volume content of basalt fiber is 0.3%, the compressive strength of concrete increased by 5.07%. When the volume content of basalt fiber was 0.4%, the bending strength of concrete increased …