The Au enrichment is related to the formation of a quartz–sulfide vein system and a progressive evolution of ore-forming fluids with decreasing temperature, …
The Au enrichment is related to the formation of a quartz–sulfide vein system and a progressive evolution of ore-forming fluids with decreasing temperature, from Sb- to As-rich to final precipitation of native gold from silica and Au-bearing low-temperature hydrothermal colloidal solutions.
The origin of gold deposits has been the subject of considerable debate and remains controversial to this day. Most published ore deposit models in the literature to date involve gold being sourced from the mantle, the lower crust or the upper crust (Groves, 1993, Phillips and Powell, 2010, Thomas et al., 2011, Hronsky et al., 2012, Tomkins, …
Many economic gold deposits on Earth are associated with volcanic arcs. However, little is known about the factors that control the gold endowment of the parental arc magmas.
Supplementation with isotope analysis and other analytical methods can effectively depict the fine process of gold deposit formation and these methods are therefore of considerable significance for constraining the mechanisms of ore-forming metals, especially gold enrichment by precipitation (Fan et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2022).
Paleochannel fluvial infill deposits where the enrichment is either in the saprolite below the paleochannel sediments or within the basal sediments (Fig. 1).. Download: Download high-res image (221KB) Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram illustrating the relationships between regolith and landforms, …
On the basis of the deposits examined here we would argue that the largest gold deposits worldwide have protracted gold enrichment histories that involve …
The markedly contrasting style of gold mineralization documented between the Jundee and Bogada gold deposits provides a unique opportunity to examine primary …
DOI: 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2017.03.014 Corpus ID: 99624322; A selective process for extracting antimony from refractory gold ore @article{Yang2017ASP, title={A selective process for extracting antimony from refractory gold ore}, author={Tian-zu Yang and Rao Shuai and Wei-feng Liu and Duchao Zhang and Chen Lin}, journal={Hydrometallurgy}, …
The recovery of gold with a coarseness of 95% − 0.045 mm from the original ore averaged 97.77%. This work features a full range of studies on the …
The content of metallic impurities was studied in the fine particles of gold ore recovered from various types of deposits. Experimental data showed that the gold content in the particles with ...
The gold ore genetic mechanism has long been of great interest (e.g., Groves et al., 1998, ... This suggests that the CDR process in stages II-III (mainly Py2a and Py3a) may have controlled the subsequent gold enrichment. The Ag vs. Au correlation indicating that gold may exist mainly in the form of Au + or nanoparticles (Au 0) (Fig. 14). Thus ...
The mechanism of gold extreme enrichment in Jiaodong district attracts global geologists' attention and still remains debated (Deng et al., 2019, Fan et al., 2003; ... Arsenopyrite-pyrite association in an orogenic gold ore: Tracing mineralization history from textures and trace elements. Econ. Geol., 108 (2013), pp. 1273-1283.
Here we report the micro- to nano-scale textures of arsenian pyrite in a high-grade (>10 g/t) gold ore from the Chang'an deposit to trace the gold enrichment process.
Q.S. Zhang et al. (1984) and Liu et al. (1994) reported high enrichment of copper and gold in ore mylonites inside the massive sulphide orebodies at Hongtoushan, and explained that such enrichment in copper and gold was induced by differential mechanical remobilisation. However, documented accounts for highly metal-enriched ore mylonites …
Low-grade lateritic iron ore forms with the enrichment of Fe by chemical weathering/leaching. ... and δD values of fluids responsible for different alteration assemblages at the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper–gold deposit (Harris et al., 2005). Compositions are based on temperatures determined from fluid inclusion data.
1. Introduction. Supergene ore enrichment processes are well documented in a range of deposit types including Cu porphyries (Hartley and Rice, 2005, Reich et al., 2009), massive sulphide deposits (Andreu et al., 2015, Velasco et al., 2013, Yesares et al., 2017, Yesares et al., 2015) and 'Calamine-type' zinc ores (Boni and Mondillo, …
How gold ore deposits form in the absence of a magmatic source for gold is unclear. ... Hannington, M., Harðardóttir, V., Garbe-Schönberg, D. et al. Gold enrichment in active geothermal systems ...
The gold enrichment may have occurred without additional external input of gold, although more research is needed to confirm if that was the case. ... Babedi, L., von der Heyden, B.P., Tadie, M. and Mayne, M. 2022. Trace elements in pyrite from five different gold ore deposit classes: a review and meta-analysis. Geological Society, London ...
Investigation of ores from Late Cretaceous deposits in southeastern Europe allows two mechanisms of gold enrichment to be recognized. Firstly, high-temperature bornite ss is a gold-carrier when ...
2.1 Materials and reagents. All the reagents used in the experiment, such as sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4), nitric acid (HNO 3), copper sulfate (CuSO 4), sodium thiosulfate (Na 2 S 2 SO 3), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), were analytically pure, and the water used in the whole experiment was deionized water with the electrical resistivity of 18.5 …
Orogenic gold deposits contribute the largest proportion of the world's gold reserves, and the source of their ore-forming components has been recognized as the metamorphic devolatilization of metapelites or metabasites across the greenschist- to amphibolite-facies transition. ... The stronger enrichment in S and Se can be explained …
The solubility of Au in silicate melts and fluids governs the enrichment and migration of Au during the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal Au deposits. Large Au deposits require vast amounts of Au to migrate from the upper mantle-lower crust to the shallow crust, and high Au solubility in magma and hydrothermal fluid facilitates the …
The hyperenrichment of gold is critical for the formation of high-grade gold deposits in orogenic systems, where gold enrichment can reach several percent. However, many details on the nature...
The enrichment of Co in some gold ore veins in the Jiaodong Peninsula (Yang et al., 2016, Yang et al., 2022) may be predominantly inherited from the wall rocks, particularly the mafic dikes. 5.3. Implications. Cobalt-bearing pyrite is the main ore mineral in some Co deposits (e.g., Slack et al., 2017, Zhao et al., 2019).
In summary, we propose a model of ultrahigh-grade gold enrichment through quartz fracturing, adsorption-reduction of metals on reactive mineral surfaces, and formation and growth of polymetallic melt droplets, which catalyze the decomposition of metal …
Enrichment of an element above its average abundance in the Earth's crust is required to form any ore deposit. For gold, that enrichment is around 10,000 times which is more than virtually any other element, and the high enrichment implies special partitioning in Nature.
How gold ore deposits form in the absence of a magmatic source for gold is unclear. Analysis of hydrothermal fluids from the Reykjanes geothermal field reveals that …
High-grade (> 10 g/t) gold mineralization in orogenic gold deposits is of significant economic importance. Understanding the formation of such enriched ore zones is critical for gold exploration success. The world-class Jundee-Bogada gold camp in the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia comprises both high-grade (avg. > 10 g/t, Jundee …
The role of environment, climate and primary ore composition on the gossan evolution • Mineralogy and textures related to physicochemical processes controlled by contrasting Eh–pH conditions • The nature of supergene gold enrichment and its distribution along the gossan profile •