Characterisation of LD slag of Bokaro Steel Plant Table 7 143 Dimension of 'fly ash–LD slag' brick S. No. Sample code Length (cm) Breath (cm) Height (cm) Volume (cm3) 1 A1 23.2 11.0 7.5 1914 2 A2 23.1 11.0 7.5 …
The treatments of fly ash added at 20-40 g•kg-1 and steel slag at 3-6 g•kg-1 had the pH values within 5.5-7.0, and the Superscript textneutral and weakly acidic soil environment was suitable ...
Fly ash contains not only a large amount of iron, carbon and other elements (stainless steel fly ash also contains chromium, nickel and other elements), but also a certain amount of calcium oxide ...
3.1 Materials. According to ASTM C 618–19 (ASTM C 2019), the major binder employed in this study is a waste material created during coal-fired electricity generation that is low calcium FA.Steel slag, under ASTM C 989–2018 (ASTM C989, C989M–18a 2018), is the second alternative binder used in this study.Fly ash and steel …
Piles of steel slag, a solid waste generated from the iron and steel industry, could be seen due to no utility found for the past century. Steel slag has now gained much attention because of its new applications. The properties of slag greatly influence its use and thus had got varied applications. The chemical composition of steel slag varies as …
In the initial stage of converter blowing, the fly ash briquette is added when the furnace temperature is low. The low melting point fly ash briquette is rich in Fe2O3, which increases the FeO content in the slag, accelerates …
The experimental results show that concrete mix with partial replacement (by weight) of cement and river sand with 20% fly ash and 10% steel slag, respectively, could be employed as an alternative to conventional M20 mix. Conventional concrete without adding fly ash or steel slag achieved a 28 day compressive strength of 22.00 MPa.
FA, or pulverised fuel ash, is a byproduct of coal-fired power plants and is used as a mineral additive in cement and concrete. Fig. 1 shows a typical layout of a coal-burning generating station. Pulverized coal is blown into the burning zone of the furnace, where its combustible constituents, mainly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, ignite at …
The results showed thatincorporating steel slag could decrease the fluidity and setting time of fly ash geopolymer while increasing its strength. When the steelslag and activator was 30% and 18%, respectively, the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days was the highest, reaching 19.3 and 24.9MPa, respectively.
1.2.7 Chemical Composition. Chemical composition of fly ashes include silica (SiO 2), alumina (Al 2 O 3), and oxides of calcium (CaO), iron (Fe 2 O 3), magnesium (MgO), titanium (TiO 2), sulfur (SO 3), sodium (Na 2 O), and potassium (K 2 O), and unburned carbon (LOI). Amongst these SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 together make up about …
Steel slag and fly ash-based steel fiber reinforced geopolymer mortars have been prepared and studied for its mechanical properties where 0.4% and 0.5% of steel fiber replaced geopolymer mortars reveals better compressive strength (38.6 Mpa at 28 days with improving ratio 22.9%) and flexural strength (7.9 Mpa at 28 days with improving …
In this study, fly ash (FA), steel slag (SS), magnesium oxide (MgO), and magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) were used as raw materials to prepare a new type of solid waste-based concrete in the laboratory via a pressure ing process (PFP). Pressure ing was performed to balance the force of the bubbles and improve the …
The utilization of fly ash (FA) and powdered granulated steel slag (PGSS) as additives in soil stabilization plays a crucial role in environmental, economic, and …
3. Application/Uses. Manufacturing of Paving Blocks. 4. Salient Technical Features including Competing Features. These Paving blocks are produced from the geopolymerisation of industrial waste such as fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag, steel slag, and red mud in different combinations. Meets IS 15658:2006 specification
The specific gravity and bulk density of LD slag samples were found to be high in comparison to fly ash samples. The EDS X-ray micro analysis showed that …
Both fly ash and slag can improve concrete's resistance to chloride attack [45], an important long-term durability attribute of concrete. Although fly ash and slag are considered avoided wastes [43, 46], certain processing and preparation of these materials may necessitate additional energy and emissions, which must also be quantified [45]. As ...
Fly ash consists of fine particles of fuel that are driven out of coal-fired boilers, while steel slag is by-product of the steel industry, left over after a metal is separated from its raw ore. Both materials have been used as …
This study explores the utilization of steel slag and fly ash in road construction to address the increasing demand for pavement materials and the scarcity of natural aggregates. For this purpose, steel slag–fly ash composite is stabilized with lime and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) to assess their utility as a subbase …
The paper deals with developing fly ash–Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) composite with additives like cement to utilize waste material in engineering applications. The additive-like cement with different proportions has gained particular attention worldwide because of the excellent bonding strength and enhancement of mechanical properties of …
A novel direct gas–solid mineral carbonation process using carbide slag doped fly ash to capture and mineralize CO 2 from flue gas was developed to overcome the barriers of long reaction time and large reactor size from aqueous processes. A laboratory-scale fixed bed reactor with a thermogravimetric analyser and a pilot-scale …
The environmental and economic efficiency of carbon gasification is demonstrated. It is simple to produce components from slag by casting. The cast …
This paper investigates the performance of concrete incorporating high-volume fly ash (HVFA) and steel slag aggregates against the detrimental effects of combined cycles of environmental thermal ...
Project Title: Use of soil-steel slag-fly ash mixtures in subgrade applications Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Monica Prezzi Project Administrator (PA): _____ Note: If more than one implement ...
In this study, SiO2–Al2O3–CaO–MgO steel slag ceramics containing 5 wt % MgO were used for the preparation of ceramic bodies, with the replacement of 5–20 wt % quartz and feldspar by fly ash.
The study identifies the mixes 56% Steel slag + 40% Fly ash + 1% Lime + 3% GGBS and 86% Steel slag + 10% Fly ash + 1% Lime + 3% GGBS as the optimum choices for the subbase layer, while the mixes ...
The specific gravity and bulk density of LD slag samples were found to be high in comparison to fly ash samples. The EDS X-ray micro analysis showed that major elemental compositions of LD slag samples are O and Ca by weight. The XRF analysis showed that the major components of the LD slag samples are CaO, FeO and SiO 2. …
In this study, engineering properties of steel slag-fly ash-dolime (SFD) mixes were investigated for their effective utilization as base course material in flexible …
The average rate of generation of LD slag is approximately 150–180 kg per ton of crude steel in India [].Researchers also found that this rate of production of LD slag somtimes reaches a high of 200 kg per ton of crude steel [].In India, over 12.15–14.58 metric tons of steelmelting slag has been generated in the financial year 2013, and this …
Hence, use of steel plant slag . ... in capping layer construction for low-volume traffic pavement projects. Due to its high apatite content, the remaining fraction (0–10 mm) can be exploited to ...
The present investigation is conducted to evaluate the effect of steel slag coarse aggregates on mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of Alkali-Activated Slag Fly Ash Concrete (AASFC) mixes.