AbstractContradictory results have been published on the effect of sea sand and seawater in concrete as opposed to conventional river sand and freshwater. ... Evaluating the Suitability of Nanoclay-Modified Asphalt Binders from 10°C to 70°C ... A. Arokiaprakash, and S. Karthiga. 2017. "Study on use of coral sand as fine aggregates …
The results showed that the use of sea sand as a substitute for fine aggregate showed an average compressive strength in 7 days of 18.86 MPa, an average compressive strength of 14 days...
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Concrete is the most popular building material in the world. River sand has been the most popular choice for the fine aggregate component of concrete in the past, but overuse of the material has led to environmental concerns, the depleting of securable river sand deposits and a concomitant price increase in the material. Therefore, it is desirable to …
The ultimate objective of this research is to study the practical utilization of sea sand as fine aggregate partially and to study the properties of mineral extracted sea-shore soil. It also includes thedetermination of the strength of concrete with sea sand, as fine aggregate as partial replacement. 2. Materials and methods
Chandrakeerthy SR de S. Suitability of sea sand as a ne aggregate for concrete production. Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, 1994, p. 93114. Marine aggregates in concrete, Digest 473. Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK, 2002. Gutt W, Collins RJ. Sea dredged aggregates in concrete, Information Paper.
This study investigates the suitability of laterite as sole fine aggregate in place of sand, and specifically seeks to determine whether laterized concrete would satisfy the minimum compressive ...
building structure. Aggregates, both fine and coarse, take about 6575% by volume of concrete and are - important ingredients in concrete production. The quality of concrete produced is much influenced by the properties of aggregate. The dominant rock for coarse aggregate production in Ethiopia is generally basalt
In this study, replacement of sea sand instead of river sand as 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% respectively as partial replacement for fine aggregate. Analysis of the …
The increasing demand for river sand, driven by infrastructure development, poses environmental challenges. The study aims to address the depletion of river sand by integrating sea sand as a fine aggregate in the production of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) through a Systematic Literature Review. Furthermore, it includes an in-depth …
Seawater and sea sand concretes (SW-SS) have been undergoing evaluation as viable alternatives in concrete production. •. This review critically …
Assessment of natural sand being used as fine aggregate for concrete production in Ibadan and its environs was carried out. Ten sources (F1 – F10) were selected for the study; four (F5, F6, F7 ...
DOI: 10.12691/AJCEA-6-4-2 Corpus ID: 55263044; Suitability of Ambo Sandstone Fine Aggregate as an Alternative River Sand Replacement in Normal Concrete Production @article{Ararsa2018SuitabilityOA, title={Suitability of Ambo Sandstone Fine Aggregate as an Alternative River Sand Replacement in Normal Concrete …
Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of the performance of sea sand concrete as fine aggregate is necessary before widespread use. Fig. 2 illustrates the global distribution of publications indexed by Scopus, considering publication dates and first authors. These papers have summarized various fresh and mechanical properties of …
The increase in the demand for concrete production for the development of infrastructures in developing countries like Ethiopia leads to the depletion of aggregates and high cement demand ...
It is observed that specimens with 20% percent and 30% replacement of fine aggregate by sea sand had their compressive strength 31% and 5% higher than the control mix. Increase in strength at 20% replacement shall be attributed to optimum filling of voids in concrete by fine particles of sea sand. Download: Download high-res image …
Experiments were conducted to determine the suitability of iron ore tailings and quarry dust as fine aggregates replacement of river sand for concrete production, and thereby to utilize the enormous quantities of wastes from Itakpe mines and the numerous granite quarries in Nigeria to address concerns of environmental pollution. Eight concrete …
ABSTRACT We investigated the suitability of sea sand for concrete production. Our aim is to compare compressive strength, textural properties and salt contents with respect to grade 30 concrete ...
Sea sand is considered safe for concrete when the shell particle size is less than 4.75 mm, and conditions such as substituting sea sand in concrete within the range of 20%− 40% are met. (3) Sea sand significantly influences the mechanical properties of …
In case of 80% replacement of sea sand as fine aggregate the Characteristic compressive strength is reduced by 49.37%. It is observed that for replacement of sea sand as fine aggregate in concrete compressive strength is reduced by 53.82%. Usage of Sea sand in concrete found there is a
Chandrakeerthy, "Suitability of sea sand as a fine aggregate for concrete production" Institution of Engineers, 1994. Research on River Sand Substitutes for Concrete Production and Cement Sand ...
Coarse river sand is generally accepted as being the preferred sand for use in the production of concrete. However, in some areas, the importation cost of river sand can be excessive, additionally ...
Sand is often utilized as a fine aggregate in concrete, contributing 22 to 62% of the total mass. The quantity and features of sand in concrete have an impact on its …
Fig. 1 highlights the increase in research interest on the topic of seawater-mixed concrete and concrete exposed to seawater, in the last few decades. The result of an article search across research databases with the string 'concrete and seawater', includes articles related to concretes exposed to seawater, concretes cured with …
The main objective of this project is to utilize the sea sand as fine aggregate in concrete for construction after the removal of chloride content from the sea sand by using sand washing process. 1) To study the practical utilization of sea sand as fine aggregate by partially and completely.
The primary objective of the research is to evaluate the suitability of Ambo Sandstone Fine Aggregate (ASFA) as an alternative replacement of river sand in normal concrete production.
Sea sand is a widely available form of sand on comparing with the river sand. Sea sand is not used widely because it may contain chloride, sea shells in large numbers and other harmful chemicals like Fe 2 O 3, V 2 O 5, Cr 2 O 3, Ga 2 O 3, Br 2 O and Re 2 O 7.The usage of sea- sand may either address the concrete's existing …
The aim of this study is to test the relevant properties of offshore sand obtained soon after dredging and to examine the effects on chloride levels of offshore sand when fresh water is drained to simulate average monthly rainfalls. The findings are valid for offshore sand that does not require washing particularly to remove organic matter and …
Sea sand is abundantly available and shall be a potential resource capable of supplying fine aggregate for domestic constructions. It is also economical form of fine aggregate at coastal regions.
The UK was the pioneer country to use desalted sea-sand as fine aggregate in concrete [10].In the 1960s, British experts conducted a series of studies on the use of sea-sand as a raw construction material [10], [11], [12], [13].Over 21 million tonnes of sea-sand and gravel was extracted annually around the coast of England and …