The compressive strength of concrete sample in different water–cement ratio (MPa) Aggregate Optimum w–c=0.33–0.36 Water–cement=0.3 Water–cement=0.4 Water–cement=0.5 dimension (mm)
Effect of Type of Sand on the Flowability and Compressive Strength of Slag-Fly Ash Blended Geopolymer Mortar ... Twelve mixes were prepared with two types of sand: desert dune sand (DS) and crushed dolomitic limestone sand (CS). Different alkaline activator solution-to-binder (0.50, 0.60, and 0.65) and binder-to-sand ratios (1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 ...
Recently, it has been difficult to get natural sand for concrete due to an insufficient supply in Korea. Crushed sand was thought as a substitute and previous research has been focused on low fluidity and normal compressive strength (24–30 MPa). Study on high performance concrete using crushed sand is hardly found in Korea. In …
Taking the population – that includes 100 concrete mixtures – a regression analysis between pulse velocity (V) and compressive strength (R) was performed, obtaining a correlation coefficient equal to 0.78 by using an exponential model which is the best fitted for the relationship under study.Eq. (1) shows the obtained model. (1) R = …
Strength values, used with rock mass data such as discontinuity information, are used to identify the most appropriate methods to extract building stone. Of the sites assessed, the exotic limestone rocks were classified as having the highest potential for producing …
However, at OK replaced mixes at 20% replacement ratio, the compressive strength values were increased at 1 and 28 days. The increase in compressive strength can be explained with pore-filling effect of fine-grounded limestone powder and also provided suitable nucleus for hydration and by this way catalyzing the hydration [22].
Traditional natural river sand is used as a fine aggregate for concrete, but due to the severe environmental situation in recent years, many places have asked for a ban or restriction on the extraction of river …
In this study, 31 empirical equations are summarized that relate unconfined compressive strength and internal friction angle of ... shale, and limestone and dolomite) to physical properties (such as velocity, modulus, and porosity). These equations can be used to estimate rock strength from parameters measurable with geophysical well logs. The ...
This paper investigates the interactions of aggregate strength characteristics with those of aggregate gradation, material type, fines content, dust ratio and plasticity …
compressive strength (R) was performed, obtaining a corre- lation coecient equal to 0.78 by using an exponential model which is the best tted for the relationship under
The 28-day concrete cubes cast with these aggregates shows that, at the low strength of 20N/mm2, Igneous rock crushed granite stone c concrete had the highest strength of 26.45N/mm2 followed by Sedimentary-limestone with 26.11 N/mm2 and Metamorphic rock – marble stone 26.03 N/mm2 in that order, and also at the high …
The effect of quarry dust on the flexural strength of concrete has been experimentally studied and reported in this paper. Concrete used was prepared by replacing 25% and of sand by weight ...
PDF | On Jan 1, 2010, M.S MEDDAH and others published Effect of Size and Content of Coarse Aggregate on the Compressive Strength of Concrete | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...
The feasibility of using crushed limestone instead of sand in cement grout is examined in this work. This study entails performing several tests, including the Brazilian test, the compressive strength test, and the stress–strain correlation test. The curing times used were 7, 14, and 28 days for mixtures with various proportions of cement to …
(dimension stone and crushed rock aggregate). Oman has impressive verities of geological terrains, each ... shows a positive correlation between density and compressive strength. Limestone samples ...
The compressive strength derived by the dry SAP mixing method is higher than that derived by the wet SAP mixing method. ... (opening 4.75 mm) sieve to remove large particles. Crushed limestone was used as a coarse aggregate with a maximum size of 20 mm. The specific gravity, fineness modulus, and water absorption of the crushed …
Concrete Made with Rounded Gravel and Concrete Made with Crushed Limestone Page 6 CONCLUSIONS A rounded gravel and a crushed limestone were used as coarse aggregates in similar concrete mixes. Both concretes were evaluated for length change, flexural strength, and compressive strength. The
In general, rock mass strength depends on the strength of intact rock and the strength of rock discontinuities. In general, compared to intact rock, a rock mass has reduced …
DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2011.06.064 Corpus ID: 135535778; Compressive strength and sulfate resistance of limestone and/or silica fume mortars @article{Sezer2012CompressiveSA, title={Compressive strength and sulfate resistance of limestone and/or silica fume mortars}, author={G{"o}zde İnan Sezer}, …
The strength of uniaxial compression decreases with the increase of height: diameter (L/D) ratio till it tends to a stable value, which implies that the lower bound of L/D should be …
slag and crushed limestone aggregate was done by Maslehuddin et al (2003). They studied the mechanical properties and durability characteristics of steel slag aggregate concrete in comparison with
The feasibility of using crushed limestone instead of sand in cement grout is examined in this work. This study entails performing several tests, including the Brazilian test, the compressive strength test, and the stress-strain correlation test. The curing times used were 7, 14, and 28 days for mix …
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the e ffect of the physical properties of coarse aggregat (igneous rock crushed granite stone; sedimentary rock limestone and metamorphic rock marble stone) on the compressive strength of Portland ceme nt concrete and compare their characteristic strength. Tests such as sieve analysis, …
limestone containing self compacting concretes is the consequence of the microstructure of cement matrix [4]. The use of limestone powder in cement and concrete provides economic and environmental advantages by reducing Portland cement production and CO2 emission, as well as improving the early and the later age compressive strength [5].
Below the Simsima Limestone and the Midra Shale, the uniaxial compressive strength of the various strata is low to very low, even at depths in excess of 100 m.
Usage of industrial by-products such as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), gypsum, and limestone powder have gained prominence in concrete production. It is, therefore, very important to conduct research into the various materials and their attendant influence on properties of concrete at different ambient temperatures. This …
The compressive stress and geological features are found to be the controlling factors in the classification of dimension stone. The exotic limestone occur as dense, white to …
At 5% and 12% fines contents, the strength values of crushed limestone samples in CA 6 and CA 2 gradations typically increase within the same PI level when dust ratio increases from 0.4 to 0.6 and decreases thereafter. However, at 8% fines content, the effect of DR is opposite compared to results obtained at 5% and 12% fines contents for …
The porosity-to-cement index (η/Civ) has been extensively applied to study the evolution of different types of soil stabilization. However, this index has still not been used to characterize soils cemented with crushed limestone waste (CLW). In this sense, this paper sought to analyze the applicability of the porosity-to-cement index over the …